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Our fantasy player projections win championships
We are innovators in designing a winning draft day strategy
Our player projections are developed and maintained by a professional sports statistician
Our draft software is the most advanced fantasy tool available
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Anthony A. Perri

Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better when it comes to fantasy football..... and this expression holds true when considering accuracy in player projections and year end results. If you are new to Fantistics, please allow me to indulge you for a few minutes.

We differentiate our service by basing our player prognostication on fundamental analysis. Our pre-season projections formula takes over 15 indicators into account to produce a base projection for each player stat category.  It has allowed us to enjoy an successful prognostication track record which has translated into results for our loyal community. What we do here is not by chance or gut feel. I'm a numbers guy who relies on statistical probability to make most of the decisions in my life.  My eyes see a world created using a perfect algorithm, an algorithm that defines both nature and our universe. In my universe, The Fantasy Universe, I sheepishly try to apply the same logic.

We fancy ourselves by providing our subscribers with proven strategies, including the successful VAM draft strategy. A strategy that is time tested, not only through our 12 years of service on the internet, but also through a historical simulation model. We first introduced Value Above Mean (VAM or position scarcity) to the draft day regiment in 1999, and have never deviated from this model. Why should we! It's proven to be 20-30% more effective than the typical drafting patterns. And this year for the first time, subscribers can see the results for themselves. The new Mock Draft Simulator allows fantasy GMs to see the results of using our VAM strategy verses computer opponents which utilize Average Draft Position (ADP).

By season's end we usually have a good handle on how we performed with our fantasy player projections.  Through our year end survey we poll Subscribers for their year end league placement. Using this, we can gauge how well our projections performed. Another gauge we utilize is our success rate in correctly forecasting player production direction (progression or digression).

One of the ways we measure success is comparing what direction a player's performance took during the forecasting season. We could sit here and tell you that we predicted exactly how many TDs Malcom Floyd would register in 2010 (6), but in essence projecting any exact number is pure luck. On the other hand, predicting that Floyd's production would rise in 2010 verses his prior season....was not. Sure we considered age, supporting cast, career indicators, the system, and durability factors...but the key element that lead us to his upward projection was the success that Floyd had the prior season in his completion percentage and Red Zone success. Looking in from last preseason, our analysis indicated that FLoyd's Red Zone production had been rising, which is resulting in more red zone opportunities ...and true to expectation, he did improve in 2010.

2010: Preseason Projections vs Year End Results*

Quarterbacks: 23 out of the top 30 = 77% correct

Running Backs:40 out of top 50 = 80% correct

Wide Receivers: 48 out of top 60 = 80% correct

Tight Ends: 20 out of top 30 = 67% correct

Place Kickers: 22 out of the top 30 = 73% correct

*Based on predicting whether or not a player would have a better or worse fantasy season. For a detailed listing of each player and position. (2010/2009/2008/2007/2006/2005/2004/2003/2002 Forecasting Results.)

There is something to be said for credible statistical analysis in fantasy sports, and it's called reliability, predictability, and success.  At Fantistics, you will get what you pay for....I can guarantee that.

All the best in your fantasy endeavors,


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Please feel free to inquire about any of our products: info@fantistics.com

Anthony A. Perri is the founder and the resident "Stats Nerd" at Fantistics.  Anthony has a graduate level Math education. His experience includes working as a Quantitative Analyst for several Wall Street firms developing statistical models before venturing out to create Fantistics in the late 1990s. His decade long involvement in Fantasy Sports includes accolades from some of the top publications in the country as well as  continual guest appearances on Sports Radio (most recently ESPN and Sirius Radio.) Anthony is the designer of the Fantistics Player Projections Model & the VAM drafting strategy models.  



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