2016 NFLTM Player Projections
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Our fantasy player projections win championships
We are innovators in designing a winning draft day strategy
Our player projections are developed and maintained by a professional sports statistician
Our draft software is the most advanced fantasy tool available
We've aided thousands of fantasy champions since 1999
Over 84% of our subscribers are repeat customers
"Award Winning Fantistics .... Consider it fantasy's version of the theory of relativity."
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Customized Player Projections for your league: Download our player projections software and install it on your PC or Mac within 2 minutes (on a high speed connection).  Using generic ranking sheets reduces your chances of success, entering your league criteria can be the difference in a player like Cam Newton being ranked 4th or 24th for your draft. If your player rankings list is not derived from your league settings, then mathematically you are not selecting players in the proper sequence....which diminishes your chances of success starting on Day 1 ("Draft Day").
Winning Draft Strategy - (VAM): We house a professional statistician who has developed a winning drafting model (unlike competing services, we openly display our player projections successes and misses from previous seasons). Our rankings go beyond traditional Value Based models and assign a probability of success based on the historical penchant of each position. It's our belief that too many chiefs or too many "Experts", create a consensus which leads to average or "watered down" player rankings/projections...which inevitably leads to average league results/standings. Since 1999, Fantistics has been run and operated by one statistician (Anthony A. Perri), who has spent countless hours researching the optimal characteristics relating to player performance tendencies. Running both linear and non linear regression forecasting models, we've produced some of the best year over year player projections in the industry.....the bottom line is a strategy that mathematically optimizes your chances of success.   
Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better when it comes to fantasy football..... and this expression holds true when considering accuracy in player projections and year end results. We routinely outpace ESPN, Sportsline, and Rotoworld in projections accuracy.
Breaking Quality News: Last year, based on our recommendations, our subscribers knew to pick up players like RB David Johnson, RB Matt Jones, and WR Allen Hurns  before they popped up on everyone's radar . Additionally our Sunday Morning Informant tells you what's going on while it's happening during pre-game warm-ups...it's real time and information you can't find anywhere else.
Online Stats: You'll have access to one of the best fantasy football online databases during the Preseason and every week during the season. Each year we do more statistical research than any other fantasy website or publication.
Weekly Research: Not sure who to start, who to bench? Our Match up Matrix has predicted, with over 74% accuracy, the direction of each player's weekly fantasy output above or below their typical production. Individual Defensive Players: We also rank IDP on a weekly basis as well as during the preseason.
Preseason Projections updated Daily: Starting in August we update our projections daily or when necessary, we promise the most up-to-date projections and rankings that you'll find anywhere and it's all customized to your league scoring with one click updates. Last season, our software ranked Devonta Freeman 6 rounds ahead of his ADP. We ranked rookie David Johnson as a 7th round ADP, despite not having a starting job. Doug Martin - 4 rounds ahead of his ADP, Jonathan Stewart - 2 rounds ahead. Top-10 wide receivers Allen Robinson and DeAndre Hopkins 2+ rounds ahead of their ADP. Tight End Jordan Reed, 10 rounds ahead of his ADP. Tyler Eifert, 4 rounds ahead of his ADP.  These are just a few examples of the many calls we made in 2015......and we'll do it again this season as we have for the last 17 years.
Player News & Analysis in your Mailbox continuously throughout the week.  We employ analysts who have experience beyond "expert leagues", some of the staff members have won national fantasy football contests (competing against thousands of entrants).
Player Tracker: Follow your fantasy team players news, analysis and stats all on one page!
We Deliver: Our track record is measured by the number of Fantistics subscribers that are repeat customers. Over 80% of our subscribers return year after year. Since our inception (public online presence since 1999), Fantistics has helped tens of thousands of Fantasy Coaches in pursuit of a fantasy championship. Find out why we are the best keep secret in Fantasy Sports!

Please feel free to inquire about any of our products: info@fantistics.com




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